Solidarity with African Americans
Community Scholars Collaborative on Health Equity Solutions (CHES) Solidarity Statement
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Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Health
CHES Collaborative seeks to address health disparities establishing community partnerships and collaborations by establishing different fields of scientific inquiry.
Community Partnerships
We believe that to truly resolve community health disparities in sustainable and equitable ways, affected communities have to be part of the solution.
Cutting Edge Solutions
Our collaborative aims to devise innovative and cutting edge solutions to problems such as poverty, food security, social justice, cancer, environmental justice, sustainability, immigration, and climate change.
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CHES member highlight Lilyana Amezcua
CHES is composed of group of faculty members, staff, students, and community leaders to find new solutions to reduce the persistent health disparities and improve health outcomes in our surrounding communities and beyond. Concerned by the rising prevalence of obesity and chronic diseases among vulnerable populations, CHES recognizes the importance of reducing health disparities in public health policies and practices and utilization research collaborations to find equitable and viable solutions. The goal of CHES is to engage communities in health promotion and disease prevention and work with community partners on health disparities.

“The Community Scholars Collaborative on Health Equity Solutions (CHES) provides a forum for research ideas and collaboration on addressing the major health issues in our surrounding communities and beyond. Join us in our discussions to find viable strategies and develop research collaborations and opportunities to address community health today.”

Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Doe Mayer, and Charles Kaplan (Co-PIs)




CHES Retreat

Forty CHES Members came together in Marina Del Rey, California on July 1st, 2019 to participate in the first CHES Retreat. During the day, they

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