Health disparities and inequities impact Black and Latino Americans with autoimmune diseases, says new USC study

Dr. Amezcua, clinical neurologist and CHES member, and Dr. Baezconde-Garbanati, co-PI of CHES, with Victor Rivera (Baylor College of Medicine), Teresa Corona Vazquez (Mexico’s National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery), and Annette Langer-Gould (Kaiser Permanente Southern California) worked together to investigate the impact of social determinants of health on health outcomes for autoimmune diseases among Black and Latino Americans.

They performed a narrative review, which has been published on JAMA Neurology, of health outcomes from neurological autoimmune diseases among populations of color. They discovered that a vast disparity between African American and Latino Americans entering clinical trials. In fact, there was a paucity of studies in regards to multiple sclerosis (MS) among certain racial and ethnic populations.

Read more as Jeremy Deutchman reports here: